Upcoming Worship Series

Words for the Beginning

December 1, 2024 - Jan 5, 2025

Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins. Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving; and yet, the world as we know it spins madly on. In many ways, pregnant Mary was surrounded by endings—large and small, personal and political. But Mary proclaimed hope in a God who was and is making all things new. Christ’s birth offered a beautiful new beginning for shepherds and Magi alike—all the while, King Herod tried to bring Christ’s story to an end. When we ourselves navigate seasons filled with endings and beginnings, we need reminders. We need words that can feel like steady ground, like a path for our feet to find as we step forward into the unknown.

As you journey through this season, may you find words for belovedness and hope. May you find words for beginning again. For no matter what you are facing, no matter what this new day brings, love is your beginning.

December 1- You are a Blessing

December 8- We Can't Go Alone

December 15- Do the Good that is Yours to Do & Children's Play

December 22- Hope is Worth the Risk & Christmas Cantata

December 24- Love Knows Your Name Candlelight Christmas Eve

December 29- Lessons and Laughter Liturgy

January 5- Epiphany Sunday

Christmas Eve Worship

December 24 at 5 PM

Our Christmas Eve worship will include reading the Christmas story from the gospels of Luke and Matthew, singing traditional carols, celebrating Holy Communion, and singing Silent Night in candlelight.
This service is for all ages.

Baptism and New Member Sunday

January 12, 2025

January 12 is Baptism of the Lord Sunday.  We will read the account of Jesus' baptism from the Gospel according to Luke, celebrate the sacrament of baptism, welcome new members, and remember our own baptisms. 

I've been meaning to ask...

January 19 - February 9, 2025

Some of the best conversations start with good questions—questions we’ve been meaning to ask, questions that keep us curious, and questions that lead us deeper into courage and connection. This worship series is about becoming a community where we can ask real questions of one another. Questions that aren’t surface level, that invite us to tell our stories, share our pain, care for one another, and dream about a new way forward together.

We'll have an evening event on January 25 called "I've been meaning to ask..." Join us for a potluck dinner and structured conversation to help us know one another on a deeper level.  We'll move the connections and understanding from this event to creating more small groups so that there is a place to grow for everyone.