Core Practices

Our 2025 goal is: Members, visitors, and neighbors of Fairview United Methodist Church experience and grow their relationship with God and others in the church community through an identified framework for spiritual growth- the Six Core Practices.

This year we will focus on three strategies related to three of the core practices- pray, grow, and serve. The strategies are:
  • Establish additional small groups so everyone can find a place to grow in community
  • Provide greater opportunities to serve the wider community as a church
  • Provide ways for the congregation to expand and enhance our prayer lives

Keep reading to see who to enhance and grow your relationship with God and our church community through these six practices this year.


Worship gives us the opportunity to experience authentic community, to offer praise and thanksgiving to God, and to reorient our lives. Regular worship is essential for discipleship.
We commit to join the community in worship in person or online weekly.

This year we are utilizing a service from Church of the Resurrection called GPS which stands for Grow, Pray, Study. Every day GPS includes a scripture lesson, reflection, and prayer. This is a great way to incorporate worship into daily life.


Prayer is transformational. It opens us up to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and deepens our relationship with God. There are hundreds of ways to pray. We commit to a regular practice of prayer.

Each month in 2025 we'll have a prayer focus.  January 2025 our focus is collecting information about our prayer lives.  Please fill out our prayer survey! 


We grow in our relationship with God and others when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable. Growing in groups allows us to form real and lasting connections with each other and God. In small groups we find a place to belong and be transformed.

On January 25 we're having the event "I've been meaning to ask..." potluck and structured conversation. This will give us the opportunity to get to know each other better and will launch new small groups so everyone at Fairview can find a place to grow in community.


We commit to serve inside and outside the church through ministry teams and out in the community. Serving transforms the world and us and opens us up to new experiences and people.

Each month we will have at least one opportunity to serve the wider community as a church. We'll continue our commitment to serving the meal at Loaves and Fishes on the fifth Wednesday of every month. We'll add in additional volunteer opportunities.  These will be at a variety of times and places to make sure everyone is able to serve if they wish.


Jesus teaches that where our treasure is our heart will be also. Consistently giving is more important that the amount given. We give because we choose to live generous lives.
The things we do regularly are the things that have the greatest power to transform us and our community. This is why regular giving is so important - it reorders our lives and puts trust of God at the core of what we do.  Remember - it's not the amount that is important, it's the regular practice.


Inviting others to experience the goodness and grace of God is a core practice of our faith. Think about someone in your life who should be sitting next to you in worship and invite them. It could change someone’s life!
Throughout the year we'll highlight worship services or events that are great to invite folks to. Of course, you're welcome to invite anyone to anything we do!