Love God. Love People.
In the Gospel of Matthew a lawyer asks Jesus a question, “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” Jesus said to him, “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
At Fairview we strive to follow this two-fold love command. With the help of the Holy Spirit we strive to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and our neighbors as ourselves. We put our love into action through service, one of our core practices.
At Fairview we strive to follow this two-fold love command. With the help of the Holy Spirit we strive to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and our neighbors as ourselves. We put our love into action through service, one of our core practices.
Core Practices: Service
We commit to serve inside and outside the church through ministry teams and out in the community. Serving transforms the world and us and opens us up to new experiences and people.
Each month we will have at least one opportunity to serve the wider community as a church. We'll continue our commitment to serving the meal at Loaves and Fishes on the fifth Wednesday of every month. We'll add in additional volunteer opportunities. These will be at a variety of times and places to make sure everyone is able to serve if they wish.
Each month we will have at least one opportunity to serve the wider community as a church. We'll continue our commitment to serving the meal at Loaves and Fishes on the fifth Wednesday of every month. We'll add in additional volunteer opportunities. These will be at a variety of times and places to make sure everyone is able to serve if they wish.

Service Opportunity to be determined. If you have a suggestion of where we should serve as a church community let us know!

Sat, April 26
For Columbia.
For Columbia was founded in 2015 to bring Christians together to freely share the love of God by serving our community, side-by-side. We do this by organizing volunteers from Christian churches throughout mid-Missouri to serve individuals, non-profit organizations, and other public venues in an annual city-wide day of service.
For Columbia was founded in 2015 to bring Christians together to freely share the love of God by serving our community, side-by-side. We do this by organizing volunteers from Christian churches throughout mid-Missouri to serve individuals, non-profit organizations, and other public venues in an annual city-wide day of service.

Wed, April 30 | 3-6:15 PM
We'll provide, serve, and clean up after the meal at Loaves and Fishes.
This will be our breakfast for dinner meal- breakfast casserole, fruit, and muffins.
This will be our breakfast for dinner meal- breakfast casserole, fruit, and muffins.

Service Opportunity to be determined. If you have a suggestion of where we should serve as a church community let us know!

Service Opportunity to be determined. If you have a suggestion of where we should serve as a church community let us know!

Wed, July 30 | 3-6:15 PM
We'll provide, serve, and clean up after the meal at Loaves and Fishes.
This will be our breakfast for dinner meal- breakfast casserole, fruit, and muffins.
This will be our breakfast for dinner meal- breakfast casserole, fruit, and muffins.

Service Opportunity to be determined. If you have a suggestion of where we should serve as a church community let us know!

Service Opportunity to be determined. If you have a suggestion of where we should serve as a church community let us know!

Wed, October 29 | 3-6:15 PM
We'll provide, serve, and clean up after the meal at Loaves and Fishes. This will be our baked zit, green beans, and rolls dinner.

Service Opportunity to be determined. If you have a suggestion of where we should serve as a church community let us know!

Wed, December 31 | 3-6:15 PM
We'll provide, serve, and clean up after the meal at Loaves and Fishes. This will be our baked zit, green beans, and rolls dinner.
How we regularly serve
Loaves and Fishes
Our Loaves and Fishes Meal Night is every fifth Wednesday. We plan the meal, cook, serve, and clean up.
Loaves and Fishes is located at 1509 Ashley St. Columbia, MO 65201
To help with these meals you can pray, cook, bake, volunteer on site setting up, serving the meal, washing dishes, and cleaning up.
Loaves and Fishes is located at 1509 Ashley St. Columbia, MO 65201
To help with these meals you can pray, cook, bake, volunteer on site setting up, serving the meal, washing dishes, and cleaning up.
Room at the Inn
Room at the Inn is now open year round! Please consider signing up to serve or bring food.
You can serve in many different ways - Food Prep, Food Prep and Food Service, Check-in Volunteer, Morning Crew, and Laundry Transport.
Talk to your friends, family, your Sunday School class, or small group and see if anyone else wants to volunteer with you!
You can serve in many different ways - Food Prep, Food Prep and Food Service, Check-in Volunteer, Morning Crew, and Laundry Transport.
Talk to your friends, family, your Sunday School class, or small group and see if anyone else wants to volunteer with you!
UMCOR Relief Supplies
Relief supplies provide care for the most vulnerable following a disaster or during times of crisis.
United Methodist Committee on Relief or UMCOR collects relief supplies in the form of cleaning kits, hygiene kits and menstrual hygiene kits. In the event of a disaster kits are distributed in the United States and its territories.
We help assemble these kits with other United Methodists at the Missouri Annual Conference Disaster Response facility here in Columbia.
United Methodist Committee on Relief or UMCOR collects relief supplies in the form of cleaning kits, hygiene kits and menstrual hygiene kits. In the event of a disaster kits are distributed in the United States and its territories.
We help assemble these kits with other United Methodists at the Missouri Annual Conference Disaster Response facility here in Columbia.
Mobility Worldwide
We collect very clean half gallon and gallon milk and juice bottles along with very clean empty cans with labels removed - like you get soup or vegetables in for Mobility Worldwide. These are used as packing material when mobility carts are shipped overseas.
You can place these items in the blue barrel in the narthex. Please leave the lids on jugs.
You can place these items in the blue barrel in the narthex. Please leave the lids on jugs.
Best Choice Labels
Our United Women in Faith group collects Best Choice, Clearly by Best Choice and Best Choice Superior Selections labels (from Moser's).
For every 1000 UPCs we submit, UWF will receive $30 to use in our mission to help women and children.
You can place your labels in the Save a Label can on the Resource Table in the Narthex.
For every 1000 UPCs we submit, UWF will receive $30 to use in our mission to help women and children.
You can place your labels in the Save a Label can on the Resource Table in the Narthex.
Assistance Fund
If you would like to contribute to the assistance fund you can do so by writing "Assistance Fund" on the memo line of a check or on a cash envelope. You can also give to this fund online, by clicking the link below and selecting "Assistance Fund" from the dropdown menu.