Digital Worship
Click here to enter our virtual worship space. We worship together in person and online Sundays at 10:00 AM
Join us for worship Sundays at 10 AM
3200 Chapel Hill Road Columbia, MO 65203

Together we are
Faithful, Relational, Inclusive
Genuine, and Service-oriented
Fairview United Methodist Church is a place where people encounter God, where we engage in life-giving community, and where you can make a difference.
We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts, and use them for the Kingdom of God.
Join us for worship, Sundays at 10 AM!
We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts, and use them for the Kingdom of God.
Join us for worship, Sundays at 10 AM!
We strive to be a place of welcome and belonging
From small groups to weekend meetups, Children's Church to Sunday morning fellowship, we have dozens of opportunities for people to gather together in community weekly, encouraging one another in life and devotion to Christ.
Our Core Values
Together we are:

We place our trust in God, who loves and accepts us, and to whom we seek to engage in our lives, so that we may reflect God's purpose in the world through the teachings of Jesus.

We are committed to forging meaningful relationships with God, the community, and each other, driven by a shared purpose to create positive change and transformation in the world.

We rejoice in the diversity of human experiences and affirm that the boundless love of God, along with our own, is accessible to all.

We encourage sincere and authentic discussion and questioning, without fear of judgment, so that we can grow together toward perfection in God's grace.

We embody a spirit of service and generosity, committed to impacting our neighborhood and the world through acts of compassion, support, and kindness as exemplified by Jesus.
Our Core Practices
At Fairview we commit to six spiritual practices to help us grow in relationship with Jesus and one another.
Worship gives us the opportunity to experience authentic community, to offer praise and thanksgiving to God, and to reorient our lives. Regular worship is essential for discipleship.
We commit to serve inside and outside the church through ministry teams and out in the community. Serving transforms the world and us and opens us up to new experiences and people.
Prayer is transformational. It opens us up to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and deepens our relationship with God. There are hundreds of ways to pray. We commit to a regular practice of prayer.
Jesus teaches that where our treasure is our heart will be also. Consistently giving is more important that the amount given. We give because we choose to live generous lives.
We grow in our relationship with God and others when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable. Growing in groups allows us to form real and lasting connections with each other and God. In small groups we find a place to belong and be transformed.
Inviting others to experience the goodness and grace of God is a core practice of our faith. Think about someone in your life who should be sitting next to you in worship and invite them. It could change someone’s life!

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Latest Worship Service
Gathering Times
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8 AM to 12 PM
Sunday Worship including Nursery and Children's Church: 10 AM
Sunday Fellowship Hour: 9:30 AM
Sunday Worship including Nursery and Children's Church: 10 AM
Sunday Fellowship Hour: 9:30 AM