Loaves and Fishes Meal Wednesday, October 30

Loaves and Fishes Sign Up

Prep Person shift is 1:30-2:45 PM. They will heat up food in the Fairview Kitchen to prepare to be transported to Loaves and Fishes Kitchen

Courier transports food the Loaves and Fishes Kitchen from the Fairview Kitchen. Food should arrive at Loaves and Fishes Kitchen at 3 PM. Best to start loading food into vehicle at 2:40-2:45 PM.

Point Person answers any questions volunteers have and makes decisions. It is best if the Point Person can stay the whole time we are there - 3:00-clean up which begins at 5 PM.

On Site Volunteers can volunteer starting at 3:00 PM. Last shift is clean up and starts around 5:00 PM.

I will volunteer on site

I will make food

Please label food items.  Note if food has nuts and what type of meat.

We currently need: