Easter Lily Order Form

Purchase Easter Lilies in memory or honor of someone. Each plant is $10.
Orders need to be in to the office by Friday, March 15.
The lilies will be displayed on Easter Sunday, March 31.  You are welcome to take your lily with you after the Easter Sunday worship service.
To order a lily fill out a bulletin insert on Sunday, March 10 or online by filling out the form below.

Thank you for helping make our sanctuary beautiful while remembering and honoring loved ones.
Thank you for helping make our sanctuary beautiful while remembering and honoring loved ones.

The information from this form is used for the bulletin listings

You can pay online by selecting "Poinsettias" from the dropdown menu.
If you would like to pay with cash or check please write "Poinsettias" in the memo or on an envelope.

You may turn in your payment to the church office or place in the offering plate on a Sunday.