Our big fall event this year will be Fairview Fall Fest

Join us for this fall, fun, fellowship event Saturday, October 12 from 5-8 PM.
This will take place at the Drane Home about 20 minutes north of the church.

We’ll have a bonfire with a hotdog roast and s’mores.
Scroll down to let us know you're coming and if you're bringing a side dish to share.
We’ll have hayrides and a ‘Possum Hunt*
*kids hunt for “possums” (brown paper bags filled with candy, sort of like an Easter egg hunt, but with flashlights.)

Bring lawn chairs and roasting forks if you have them.
Kids will need a flashlight each.
Invite your friends, family, and neighbors.
This is a great opportunity to spend time with one another and get to know each other better.

If you would like to come, but do not drive at night
please let the office (573) 445-5391 or Pastor Nancy revnancygmartin@gmail.com know
and we’ll organize a ride.